“One advantage of photography is that it’s visual and can transcend language.
Who I am.
Hello! My name is Brianna Keleher, also known as Bona!
Welcome to Brianna Keleher Photography! I have been pursuing my passion with photography since my teenage years. Do you remember those fun disposable cameras? Hearing the clicking noise as you thumbed the wheel, the bright flash, and the excitement of seeing what became of those quick snapshots. My passion started with one of those! When it comes to photography, for me it is all about children and families, being that I absolutely LOVE kids!
What I love to do!
There is a proverb that has always felt true to my heart... it states that, "A child has a way, to adding joy to everyday."
It is the joy, that no matter what, where, or whom I’m shooting, that I will always strive to achieve happiness in the most candid, timeless, endearing manner and, above all, in a way that is going to bring out the fun in everyone.
I also appreciate the beauty of simplicity that is found in the intimate moments of our lives such as, bringing a new life into this world, the promise to spend lives with those we love, and the special day that two people become one.
When I am not on the job doing photography, I am busy at work where I nanny to two AMAZING little girls, which yes, get to model for me time and time again. I can also be found rock climbing, running, biking, cooking up something in the kitchen, enjoying my time with dear friends, and enjoying a nice wine tasting. Periodically, I am lucky enough to get a chance to visit my family in Massachusetts, where I was born and raisedI also have a deep passion for bringing awareness to the plight that is human trafficking. While awaiting for opportunities to spread the word, I also donate 5% of my earnings from my sessions to programs that aide with continuing to bring to light the global problem that is human trafficking.
If you're interested in a session, consultations with me include a free coffee at a local coffee shop where we can discuss the specifics of your session in more detail! Drop me a message on my contact page, and I will promise to get back to you within a few business days. I am incredibly excited to hear what special moments in your life you have awaiting you! I look forward to meeting you, your family, friends, or anyone else you wish to bring along!