Viewing entries by
Brianna Keleher

Celebrate the Journey of Life



Celebrate the Journey of Life

Weddings bring so many things, from planning and emotions, to joy and sometimes a nicely made martini. For this happy couple it was pure excitement!

For seven years, I have had the honor of knowing Josh Bol and Sarah Lambert. They have been like family to me, and this weekend I had the privilege of not only watching the two become one, but also to have the opportunity to be their photographer.

As I was able to be a part of everything, from the hair and makeup, to the ceremony and private moments, I was so blessed to see that it was not nerves that were getting the better of everyone. As a matter of fact, nothing got the better of anyone, though perhaps some essential oils did help!

Everyone was perfectly excited, peaceful, and ready for this amazing couple to start their life together.

To begin a life that not only honored and rewarded their love for each other, but as well as their faith.

So without due, Here is a little sneak peak of Mr. & Mrs. Josh and Sarah Bol’s wedding!

